How to Keep Your Concrete Patio Cool During Hot Summers in Cottonwood Heights, Utah

As the summer heat intensifies in Cottonwood Heights, Utah, homeowners often find their concrete patios becoming uncomfortably hot. Fortunately, there are several effective strategies to keep your patio cool and enjoyable during the hottest months. Here’s how you can maintain a comfortable outdoor living space even in peak summer temperatures.

  1. Install Shade Structures
  2. Use Cooling Landscaping Techniques
  3. Choose Cool-Touch Materials and Finishes
  4. Incorporate Water Features
  5. Use Outdoor Rugs and Furniture
  6. Maintain Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

1. Install Shade Structures

Pergolas and Awnings: Adding a pergola or awning provides immediate relief from the sun. These structures can be adorned with climbing plants or equipped with retractable canopies to offer flexible shading options. A pergola adds architectural interest and can be customized to complement your home’s style.

Umbrellas and Shade Sails: For a more temporary and versatile solution, consider using large patio umbrellas or shade sails. These options are easy to install and adjust, allowing you to create shaded areas wherever needed. Shade sails come in various shapes and sizes, providing both functionality and aesthetic appeal.

2. Use Cooling Landscaping Techniques

Plant Trees and Shrubs: Strategically planting trees and shrubs around your patio can significantly reduce the amount of direct sunlight it receives. Trees with broad canopies, such as maple or oak, provide excellent natural shade and can lower the temperature of the surrounding area.

Vertical Gardens and Green Walls: Installing vertical gardens or green walls around your patio can also help cool the space. The plants absorb heat and provide a cooling effect through transpiration, making the patio more comfortable during hot days.

3. Choose Cool-Touch Materials and Finishes

Reflective Coatings: Applying a reflective or cool-touch coating to your concrete patio can help reduce heat absorption. These coatings are designed to reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat, keeping the surface cooler to the touch. Look for products specifically designed for outdoor use to ensure durability.

Light-Colored Finishes: Opt for light-colored stains or paints for your patio surface. Lighter colors reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat compared to darker colors, helping to maintain a cooler surface temperature.

4. Incorporate Water Features

Misting Systems: Installing a misting system around your patio can create a refreshing environment by cooling the air. Misters work by releasing a fine mist of water that evaporates quickly, lowering the surrounding temperature. They can be installed along the edges of pergolas, umbrellas, or fences for optimal coverage.

Water Fountains: Adding a water fountain or other water feature not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your patio but also contributes to cooling the area. The sound and sight of flowing water create a calming atmosphere and help to lower the ambient temperature.

5. Use Outdoor Rugs and Furniture

Heat-Resistant Rugs: Outdoor rugs made from heat-resistant materials can help keep the patio surface cooler. These rugs provide a barrier between your feet and the hot concrete, making the area more comfortable to walk on. Choose rugs that are specifically designed for outdoor use to ensure they withstand the elements.

Breathable Furniture: Opt for outdoor furniture made from breathable materials like wicker, mesh, or rattan. These materials do not retain heat as much as metal or plastic furniture, providing a cooler seating option.

6. Maintain Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

Keep It Clean: Regularly cleaning your patio can also help keep it cool. Dirt and debris can absorb and retain heat, so keeping the surface clean will reduce heat buildup. A simple sweep or hose down can make a noticeable difference.


Keeping your concrete patio cool during the hot summers in Cottonwood Heights, Utah, is achievable with the right strategies. By incorporating shade structures, using cooling landscaping techniques, choosing cool-touch materials, adding water features, selecting heat-resistant rugs and breathable furniture, and maintaining regular cleaning, you can create a comfortable and inviting outdoor space to enjoy all summer long.

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