How to Incorporate Water Features into Your Concrete Patio Design in Highland, Utah

Incorporating water features into your concrete patio design can transform your outdoor space into a tranquil oasis. For homeowners in Highland, Utah, adding water elements not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your patio but also creates a soothing environment. Here’s a guide on how to seamlessly integrate water features into your concrete patio design.

Benefits of Water Features

Aesthetic Appeal: Water features add a touch of elegance and beauty to any patio design. They can serve as focal points, drawing attention and providing a stunning visual element to your outdoor space.

Relaxation and Ambiance: The sound of flowing water creates a calming ambiance, perfect for relaxation and reducing stress. It can also help mask unwanted noises from traffic or neighbors, making your patio a more serene place to unwind.

Increased Property Value: Well-designed water features can increase the value of your home. Potential buyers often find properties with unique outdoor spaces more appealing.

Choosing the Right Water Feature

Fountains: Fountains are a popular choice for concrete patios due to their versatility. They come in various sizes and styles, from modern and minimalist to ornate and classical. Wall-mounted fountains are great for smaller patios, while freestanding fountains can serve as impressive centerpieces.

Ponds: A small pond can add a natural and serene element to your patio. Incorporating aquatic plants and fish can further enhance the beauty of the pond. Ensure the pond is properly lined and equipped with a filtration system to maintain clean and clear water.

Waterfalls: A waterfall feature can add a dramatic and dynamic element to your patio. It can be incorporated into a wall or built as a standalone feature. The cascading water creates a visually stunning effect and a soothing sound.

Streams: For a more natural look, consider adding a small stream that winds through your patio. This can be a continuous flow of water that recirculates, creating a peaceful, babbling brook effect.

Design Considerations

Location: Decide where to place the water feature. Consider the overall layout of your patio and how the water feature will fit into the space. It should complement the existing design and not overwhelm the area.

Scale and Proportion: Choose a water feature that is appropriately scaled to the size of your patio. A large fountain on a small patio can feel overpowering, while a tiny feature on a large patio might go unnoticed.

Integration with Existing Elements: Ensure the water feature complements other elements of your patio, such as furniture, plants, and lighting. The design should be cohesive and harmonious.

Safety: If you have children or pets, consider safety measures such as shallow water features or barriers to prevent accidents.

Installation Tips

Professional Help: While some water features can be DIY projects, larger or more complex installations might require professional assistance. A landscape designer or contractor can ensure the feature is installed correctly and functions properly.

Water Supply and Drainage: Plan for a water source and proper drainage. Depending on the type of water feature, you may need a continuous water supply and a way to manage overflow.

Electricity: Many water features require electricity for pumps and lighting. Ensure there is a safe and accessible power source nearby. Consider using solar-powered options to reduce energy consumption.

Maintenance: Regular maintenance is crucial to keep your water feature clean and functioning. This includes checking pumps, cleaning filters, and removing debris. Proper maintenance will prolong the life of your water feature and keep it looking its best.


Incorporating water features into your concrete patio design in Highland, Utah, can elevate your outdoor living space, providing beauty, relaxation, and added value. By carefully choosing the right type of water feature, considering design and placement, and ensuring proper installation and maintenance, you can create a stunning and serene patio that you’ll enjoy for years to come.

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